That time when…your child thanks you for such beauty.

After my last prenatal appointment, I decided to take the scenic route home. It added about 45 minutes to our commute, but I didn’t mind as we had nothing else planned. Also, I didn’t know when I’d get to spend time like this with Little Nugget again since Zion could come earth-side any day now. I figured Little Nugget would like it being that we haven’t been hiking for a while now and he loves being outdoors.

I pulled over at the lookout and allowed Little Nugget to do his thing. He collected rocks, played with his fire truck, and simply found the beauty in our dry Southern California mountains.

After our visit, I drove away, both of us quiet almost as if we were meditating on the calm scenery we had just witnessed. Then, a little voice came from the back seat. The little voice said in the most sweetest tone I’ve ever heard, “Thank you so much momma.” I replied, “For what papa?”

“For bringing me here to somewhere so beautiful!”

I’m so happy that I took the time to take the scenic route and just enjoy some time with Little Nugget as he absorbed the beauty around us. He really soaked it all in.

Cheers to keeping a light heart!