About Big Nugget

3/31/18 – The following “about me” is 3 years old, and a lot of my blog’s layout still reflects the person I was when I first began my blog. At the time of this addition, I do not plan on updating much of the esthetics of my blog because I am living life as it happens instead of documenting it for the world to see (however, you can read about it). If you’d like to know more about me now, you can find that in my recent posts. Those will give you a more accurate glimpse of where I am in life right now.

Thanks for visiting! I’m happy you’re here to hang out with me.

Big Nugget

Hi, I’m Jasmin (with no “e”), or as my husband calls me, Nugget. Hence, the whole Nugget theme.

I am 27 years old living a less-than-perfect life In Southern California, trying not only to make my life beautiful, but also see the beauty in it all. I’m a pessimist living in an optimist’s body. Sounds odd, doesn’t it? Well, this is what happens when you spent your high school years in therapy because you were depressed, on meds, and suicidal. Really, just feeling lost and out of place. If you stick around, you’ll see I’ve come a long way, but you’ll also see there are random moments of anxiety and depressive thoughts, and that’s just the aftermath of my teenage years.

I am a less-than-confident speaker, so writing is how I thrive. Through writing, I’ve been able to navigate the obstacles and successes, and I’ve been able to step back, read, and realize what actually matters in my life. So, with an already existing passion for writing, I decided to start this blog shortly after Little Nugget (my son) was born. I called it Little Nugget Big Nugget because it was through my experiences as a mother that I truly found the optimist in me. Because of motherhood, I’ve had colorful nuggets (from the darkest to the brightest of colors) of experience that I find a need to share with the world. I believe that something can be learned by someone when experiences are shared.

I try my best to keep my words positive and reflect who I really am behind this keyboard I type from, and who I really am includes a love for: childbirth, pregnancy, photography, adventures, food, cycling, and my family.

Welcome! I hope you enjoy sharing my journey with me as much as I do with you.

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