The house in the forest

I invite you to explore and journey through this new project I’ve created for myself. To learn about my Big Nugget Adventures project, click here.

There was a big brother who had a little sister. Big brother, Xocho, and little sister, Jade, were going a little stir-crazy from being indoors all day. They decided to take a walk through the forest, which was located about a block from their home where they lived with their mom and dad. This forest was unlike any other in the world. This forest had a secret entrance and ran on the imagination of anyone who entered it.

Xocho and Jade notified their dad that they were headed into the forest. Dad replied, “Don’t go too far. Be safe and make sure to tell Mom to come home if you see her. Dinner will be ready soon.”

Mom had entered the forest early morning. She likes to wake up before everyone else to get a hike in before beginning her work for the day. However, her imagination tends to take over and she forgets to come home. Dad and the kids think she has a second home in there. How else can someone hang out in the forest for hours without eating?

Xocho and Jade headed out to the forest hand in hand. They always stuck together, always had each other’s back, so they never feared anything as long as they were together. Five minutes into their walk, Jade decided to start a game of tag. She ran off and teased her brother to chase her. Xocho ran after his sister and traded off the tagging responsibilities to her, then Jade back to him.

Jade ran as fast and as far as she could because if there was one thing she enjoyed more than being in the forest with her brother, it was not being “it”. Jade ran far enough to give herself a chance to stop and take a breath. She also ran far enough for her imagination to begin its work in the forest. She stopped at a house made of “sorpresas”, or what everyone else knows as gummy fruit candy. These were Xocho and Jade’s favorite!

Xocho finally caught up to Jade only to find her chomping through the house’s door. “Jade what are you doing?!” Xocho asked her. Jade took a minute to finish what she had in her mouth—her lips sticky from the candy—and then replied, “Xocho! Sarporesas! Come and indulge with me!” Xocho wasn’t convinced that this was a good idea and insisted they turn back to be home in time for dinner. “You’re ruining your appetite, Jade!” But there was no response. Jade had eaten the entire door and her foot steps could be heard from the inside of the house. Xocho followed after her and found her touching, tasting, and poking everything she could get her hands on. “If you can’t beat them, join them, right?” Xocho said to himself, so he reached for Jade’s hand, and again the kids found themselves hand in hand exploring this figment of Jade’s imagination.

Approaching what seemed to be the kitchen, an exhausted (and scary if you ask me) looking woman came out crying at the top of her lungs. She startled both of the children, but after their initial flinch, Xocho and Jade held onto each other’s hands. They held on even tighter in acknowledgment that they weren’t alone. They had each other’s back, and they always stayed true to this.

Children learn best through play, and Xocho and Jade were proof of this. They had played heroes and villains enough to come up with and practice these conceptual villain-fighting moves. Their catalogue was full of options. They decided to go with what they called the “Slingshot Hug”. It went something like this…Jade curled into Xocho as if they were dancing salsa, and as Jade twirled away from Xocho, she hooked onto the mean and exhausted looking woman standing near them. Xocho and Jade’s free hands linked around the woman and trapped her in a hug. They squeezed so hard that the woman’s crying turned into laughter, her puffy and wrinkly skin lifted up over her eyes. The woman was their mom!

“MOM!” The kids exclaimed. Relieved, Mom gave her kids a squishy hug back then plopped on the floor. She explained that she had come out into the forest per usual. She had lost track of time while imagining this house made of sorpresas. She had imagined the house for them. However, she had exhausted herself because she had gotten very little sleep the night before.

“Mom, you’ve got to take better care of yourself!” The kids urged their mom while offering her a massage. (These kids were the best at giving massages!) “You two are so right and so wise! I will do my best to get more rest. And thank you for treating me with love even when I was acting ugly!”

In case you’re wondering, they made it home just in time to enjoy dinner with Dad.

Jade (10 mo.) and Xocho (3 years)

Big Nugget Adventures – #1

I invite you to explore and journey through this new project I’ve created for myself. To learn about my Big Nugget Adventures project, click here.

This story is based on an extraordinary family, the Nuggets (Gasp! Surprised on the name?), living an ordinary life. They’ve always had extraordinary abilities (that’s why they are extraordinary by the way, in case you didn’t catch on), but they never wanted to put themselves in “danger”. They lived under the radar for fifteen years. Never stood out from the crowd. Always lived a quiet life in the city until…Big Nugget (aka Mom) got bored with her mundane life. Work, play with the kids, get ready for work, sleep, repeat. She knew what she was capable of, so she decided to get risky on the upcoming full moon. “J Nugg (aka Dad) could stay with Little Nugget and Z Nugg, and I could run to the nearby mountains to test out my gliding,” her brain thought.

Big Nugget’s ability is gliding. Have you ever seen a flying squirrel? She can do something similar to that, except she doesn’t turn into a squirrel. She’s something of an acrobat. A real circus act, actually! She is the goofy one in the household, the one always trying to get the family to dance or sing in public, wear matching shirts, or take funny pictures (she deletes all the normal-looking ones). She is that perky person people want to trip on Monday mornings.

The full moon was exactly 16 days away—I know because she kept counting them to ensure everything went according to plan—so she jumped on making the necessary arrangements and purchasing the required supplies, which she still had to figure out what they were. She had not used her gliding in over a decade. This was going to be interesting.

In reminding herself that she was a decade older since she put her gliding to use, she thought, “You’re insane, Nugget! You’re really rusty! Give up before you get yourself into trouble. You have kids and a husband to worry about now.” As the voice inside her head attempted to talk her out of it, her fanny pack unclipped from around her waist and out fell a flyer. The flyer read, “What are you afraid of? JUMP!” She had acquired this Xerox-copied piece of paper outside of the grocery store the day before—a homeless-looking individual had handed it to her—and now she felt guilty because she hadn’t even read it before stuffing it into her bag. Who had that person been? Why had she given her this paper, or why had it fallen out of her bag now? Was it a coincidence, or was it the universe trying to tell her it was time for her to glide?

To be continued…

Dec. 2014